Engineering Talks – Neil Turok Public Lecture: The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything

Engineering Talks – Neil Turok Public Lecture: The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything

The Canadian Perimeter Institute has a fantastic series of public lectures online. InDirector Neil Turok opened the 2015/16 season of lectures back in October 2015 with a talk about the remarkable simplicity that underlies nature.

Fundamental physics has reached a turning point. The most powerful experiments ever devised are revealing the structure of the universe with unprecedented clarity. On the largest scales – the whole visible universe – and the tiniest, we are discovering remarkable simplicity, which our theories do not yet explain. In between, things are complex. But here too, new technologies are allowing us to access the quantum frontier, opening up new high-precision probes of the fundamental laws of nature and revolutionary new technologies. We stand on the threshold of breakthroughs, both theoretical and experimental, which could change our picture of the world and the development of our society.ABSTRACT

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