Kids Invent Stuff seek ‘Notification’ ideas!

Kids Invent Stuff seek ‘Notification’ ideas!

Youtube channel, and Born to Engineer favourite, ‘Kids Invent Stuff’ want your ideas for Notification Inventions, with the winning entry built by real engineers.

The competition is open to anyone between 5-11 years old and runs to the 25th of November.

You can enter through or download their challenge worksheet here. The worksheet pack also includes an awesome making activity.

The Youtube channel is built around giving primary school kids the chance to engage with real engineering projects.

Each month the team issues a different challenge. Most ideas creative inventions are showcased on our channel and each month one idea is built and tested on camera.

If you know any young Engineers the channel is a must-watch.

If you want to get involved with this challenge you can find out more at

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