“Never been a better time” –  Sol and Ben Ryan – New Born to Engineer Video

“Never been a better time” – Sol and Ben Ryan – New Born to Engineer Video

Our latest Born to Engineer video tells the story of Sol and Ben Ryan. Sol had to have his arm amputated after he was born. When his father Ben saw the prosthetics that were available for small children, he knew that it wasn’t good enough for his son.

Ben learned product design and engineering skills and with the support of the Bangor University Engineering Department, and has designed and built a new type of 3D printed hydraulic prosthetic for children. Now he’s started a company to make affordable custom-fitted, bespoke prosthetics for children all around the world.

You can find out more about the video at borntoengineer.com/video

The “Born to Engineer” series of videos have been produced by creative video producers duckrabbit, under the sponsorship of the ERA Foundation, the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, the Institution of Engineering and Technology, and the Lloyd’s Register Foundation.

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