
Top Engineering Videos – Veritasium

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Veritasium has a great mix of science and engineering videos - featuring everything from experiments, interviews, demos, and discussions about everything science. Veritasium is run by Derek Alexander Muller who is an Australian-Canadian science communicator, filmmaker, and inventor. In January 2011, Muller created the educational science channel...

Top Engineering Videos – Tom Scott

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Tom Scott is an English YouTuber, best known for his amazing educational videos that covers topics from history, geography, science, technology, to linguistics. As of November last year Tom videos have more than 1 billion views, and he has surpassed 4 million subscribers making him one of...

“Never been a better time” – Sol and Ben Ryan – New Born to Engineer Video

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Our latest Born to Engineer video tells the story of Sol and Ben Ryan. Sol had to have his arm amputated after he was born. When his father Ben saw the prosthetics that were available for small children, he knew that it wasn't good enough for his son....