Eastern Green Link 2: The Subsea Electricity Superhighway Connecting Scotland and England

Eastern Green Link 2: The Subsea Electricity Superhighway Connecting Scotland and England

In an era where sustainable energy solutions are paramount, the UK is taking monumental strides in fortifying its electricity transmission infrastructure. One such groundbreaking initiative is the Eastern Green Link 2 (EGL2) project, a subsea electricity superhighway set to bridge Scotland and England.


This ambitious venture, green-lit by authorities, represents a significant leap in the UK’s commitment to bolstering its energy security and advancing its net-zero ambitions. The EGL2, a collaboration between industry giants like National Grid and SSEN Transmission, sees state-of-the-art technology and strategic design; the project promises to enhance the electricity transmission landscape of the UK, ensuring a more resilient and efficient energy grid.

At the heart of EGL2 lies a 525kV, 2GW HVDC subsea transmission cable. This high-capacity cable is designed to efficiently transmit electricity across vast distances, minimizing energy losses and ensuring optimal power delivery. The EGL2 will connect Peterhead in Scotland to Drax in England.

This strategic route has been chosen to harness Scotland’s abundant renewable energy potential and efficiently distribute it to the energy-hungry regions of England. The subsea nature of the project ensures minimal environmental disruption while providing a direct and efficient transmission pathway.

The success of EGL2 hinges on the collaboration between several industry leaders. National Grid and SSEN Transmission have taken the helm, driving the project’s vision and execution. Their expertise is complemented by Hitachi Energy and BAM, selected as preferred suppliers.

With planning consent secured, the EGL2 construction phase is set to commence soon. The targeted operational date, while ambitious, is a testament to the project’s urgency and the collaborators’ commitment to delivering on time.

With planning consent, the EGL2 is gearing up for its construction phase. A detailed timeline has been charted out, outlining each step of the project, from groundwork to final testing. The targeted operational date reflects the project’s urgency and the commitment of all stakeholders to bring it to fruition promptly.

Eastern Green Link 2 – HVDC Converter Stations

A pivotal component of the EGL2 project is the High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) converter stations. These stations play a crucial role in the electricity transmission process. They convert the alternating current (AC) from the source into direct current (DC) for efficient transmission through the subsea cable. Once the electricity reaches its destination, another converter station reconverts the DC back to AC for distribution. This conversion process ensures minimal energy loss during transmission, making HVDC technology ideal for long-distance power transmission projects like EGL2.

The selection of Hitachi Energy and BAM as preferred suppliers underscores the project’s high tech credentials. Hitachi Energy, a global leader in power technologies, brings its expertise in HVDC systems to the table. Their state-of-the-art converter stations promise efficiency, reliability, and longevity. On the other hand, BAM, with its vast experience in infrastructure projects, ensures that the technological components are seamlessly integrated into the broader project framework.

It’s equipped with adaptive technologies that allow it to respond to fluctuations in power demand, ensuring consistent and reliable power supply. Advanced monitoring and control systems are in place to manage the flow of electricity, detect potential issues, and optimize performance in real time.

Technology also plays a role in ensuring the project’s environmental sustainability. From eco-friendly construction materials to systems that minimize the project’s carbon footprint, every technological aspect of EGL2 has been chosen with an eye on sustainability. Moreover, the subsea nature of the project reduces land usage and environmental disruption, further underscoring its commitment to eco-friendly practices.

The Eastern Green Link 2 is a beacon of technological innovation. It’s a testament to what’s possible when engineering expertise, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to sustainability converge.

At the heart of EGL2’s significance is supporting the UK’s ambitious transition to net zero. The project directly reduces the nation’s carbon footprint by facilitating the efficient renewable energy transmission. The subsea superhighway ensures that regions rich in renewable energy potential, like Scotland, can effectively distribute their power to areas with high energy demand, making the entire grid more sustainable.

The EGL2 is a critical component of the ‘Great Grid Upgrade’, a visionary initiative by the National Grid. This comprehensive upgrade aims to modernize the UK’s electricity transmission system, making it more resilient, efficient, and sustainable. The focus is on harnessing the potential of renewable energy sources, enhancing grid connectivity, and ensuring that the infrastructure is future-ready. The EGL2, with its promise of efficient subsea transmission, aligns perfectly with the goals of this upgrade, furthering the National Grid’s vision for a sustainable energy future.

Beyond its tangible benefits, the EGL2 is a model for future energy infrastructure projects. It showcases the potential of collaborative efforts, technology’s transformative power, and sustainable practices’ importance. As the world grapples with climate change, energy security, and sustainability challenges, initiatives like EGL2 light the way forward.


  • The Eastern Green Link 2 (EGL2) is a groundbreaking subsea electricity superhighway connecting Scotland and England.
  • Part of the ‘Great Grid Upgrade’ by National Grid and SSEN Transmission’s ‘Pathway to 2030’ programme.
  • The project features a 525kV, 2GW HVDC subsea transmission cable, promising efficient and sustainable energy transmission.
  • Key collaborators include National Grid, SSEN Transmission, Hitachi Energy, and BAM.
  • EGL2 supports the UK’s transition to net zero, bolsters energy security, and promises economic growth through job creation.
  • The project sets a precedent for future energy infrastructure initiatives, emphasizing collaboration, innovation, and sustainability.
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