#automationrevolution Robots Create Jobs – Not Destroy Them

#automationrevolution Robots Create Jobs – Not Destroy Them

The Manufacturer has weighed in on the automation debate. Backed up with exclusive research conducted by The Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors, they have concluded that “Robots don’t steal jobs, they create them”.

The survey included over 1,000 manufacturing professionals and examined the “true perception and reality of automation and robots among those who experience it first-hand”.

…the majority of industry professionals (63.3%) have never witnessed job losses as a result of the introduction of robots or automated processes [and] more than a third (36.7%) stated that robots have often resulted in job creation within their place of work.

Other Key findings in their report show that almost three-quarters of professionals felt society is scare-mongered into believing robotics and automation are a negative progression. In addition:

  • Nearly four in five manufacturers (78.9%) feel more should be done to promote the benefits of automation and robotics in the workplace.
  • Almost half of industry professionals (45.8%) claim the business they work for do not communicate the benefits of automation to staff, particularlyto those on the frontline of production.
  • Unsurprisingly therefore, more than half of industry professionals (52%) admit that there is resistance from employees when implementing new automated processes.

Read the Full Article at themanufacturer.com

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