New ‘Visions of Science’ Art Prize and Bursaries Aim To Merge Art with Science

New ‘Visions of Science’ Art Prize and Bursaries Aim To Merge Art with Science

The University of Bath is has created a set of new Art Prizes and Bursaries aimed at art pieces which reflect, represent, capture or depict modern day scientific phenomena.

Awarded through the Andrew Brownsword Gallery at the University of Bath, the inaugural prize is open to all artists; amateur, student, graduate or professional.

Visions of Science Bursary

Visions of Science Art Prize

The Gallery is looking for submissions which that reflect, represent, capture or depict modern day scientific phenomena being studied by academics at The University’s Faculty of Science.

Up for grabs is a £4,000 first prize, and £1,250 second prize. A special Emerging Artist Prize of £750 will be issued to an artist at an early stage in their career.

Shortlisted entries will be exhibited in the Andrew Brownsword Gallery between September and October this year, with the winning selections announced at a special ceremony in October. 

The competition will be judged by Alan Cotton, an artist and Honorary Professor of Arts; 
Kate Bryan, art historian, curator and broadcaster; Dr Chris Stephens, Director of the Holburne Museum; and Professor Nick Brook, Dean of Science, University of Bath.

Visions of Science Art Bursaries

Alongside the prize, the centre is offering 8 £1,000 bursaries which artists can use to create a piece of work over the summer to be exhibited in the Visions of Science exhibition later this autumn.

Like the prize, bursaries are open to all artists from amateur to student, graduate or professional and proposed artworks can be in any medium. Proposals will be taken from artists who have an idea for a piece of work which requires input from the University of Bath’s Faculty of Science.

The Prize deadline is Sunday 15th July, the deadline for Bursaries in Sunday 3rd June.

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