New Engineering Resources – Getting Started with a Career in Electrical Engineering

New Engineering Resources – Getting Started with a Career in Electrical Engineering

After last weeks dive into ‘the best Mechanical Engineering Degrees in the UK ‘, this week we are looking at how you can get started with a Career In Electrical Engineering .

Electrical technology is now so ubiquitous we take it for granted but without this field of Engineering, we wouldn’t have our modern world. Electrical engineering can lead to many different careers. An electrical engineer can manage the largest power grids and design or develop the smallest electrical parts that make a phone, CPUs, and Graphic Cards.

So dive in and have a look at what exactly Electrical Engineering is, the fields you can work in, and how you can get started on your journey of working as an Electrical Engineer.

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Check back in on the series over the coming week. Understanding exactly what each branch of Engineering has to offer should set you apart from other candidates and applicants in a competitive higher education/job market and help you understand your engineering degree or apprenticeship options.

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