LEGO Bugatti Chiron Competition – Instagram Favourites

LEGO Bugatti Chiron Competition – Instagram Favourites

We have a few weeks left to run on our LEGO Bugatti competition but are loving some of the #borntoengineerlego Instagram entries so far.

@benmaybery entry is a spectacular feat of Technic engineering

Whereas @eaton8301 has shared this fantastic grandson/granddad creation.

However, most festive of all is @yorkmumdiary !

There is still plenty of time to enter. You can submit your LEGO Engineering creations for 20 entries or simply follow or tweet us on Twitter.

The prize will be raffled off to one random entry at the end of the month.

Win a LEGO Technic Bugatti Chiron

Having trouble viewing the competition form. Click here to visit Gleam directly and enter the competition.

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