
Ocean Cleanup removes 100,000 kg of plastic from ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Ocean Cleanup removes 100,000 kg of plastic from ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Quadroins – meet the artificial birds being used to study the Ocean

Quadroins – meet the artificial birds being used to study the Ocean

Ocean Cleanup’s Interceptor sets its sights on cleaning 1,000 Rivers in 5 Years

Ocean Cleanup’s Interceptor sets its sights on cleaning 1,000 Rivers in 5 Years

Ocean Cleanup hauls its first batch of plastic trash back to shore

Ocean Cleanup hauls its first batch of plastic trash back to shore

New tech harnesses energy by mixing freshwater and seawater

New tech harnesses energy by mixing freshwater and seawater

Could we regrow the Great Barrier Reef with electricity?

Could we regrow the Great Barrier Reef with electricity?

Countdown begins for Ocean Cleanup System 001 launch

Countdown begins for Ocean Cleanup System 001 launch

Drones help free whales from ocean debris

Drones help free whales from ocean debris

University of Warwick creates Fluorescent dye to highlight 99% of hidden ocean micro-plastics

University of Warwick creates Fluorescent dye to highlight 99% of hidden ocean micro-plastics

RRS Sir David Attenborough (aka ‘Boaty McBoatface’) leaves the River Tyne

RRS Sir David Attenborough (aka ‘Boaty McBoatface’) leaves the River Tyne

Aston Martin ‘ships’ first AM37 yacht

Aston Martin ‘ships’ first AM37 yacht

Could farming giant seaweed feed fish and fix the climate?

Could farming giant seaweed feed fish and fix the climate?