Germany nabs Guinness World Record for tallest sandcastle

Germany nabs Guinness World Record for tallest sandcastle

German tour company Schauinsland-Reisen has successfully created the world’s tallest sandcastle according to Guinness World Records.

This ambitious project comprised of 3,500 tons of compressed sand and smashed the previous record by 1.84m (6 ft). It might not be the worlds tallest structure … but it is still mind-blowing for a sandcastle.

The intricate design depicts attractions from around the globe and includes Greece’s Parthenon and Thailand’s Buddhist temples as well as fully functional a water slide, running from top to the bottom.

World’s tallest sand-castle: the facts

  • It is located in Duisburg, Germany
  • It was commissioned by a German tour company called Schauinsland-Reisen
  • It is made up of 3,500 tons of compressed sand
  • Construction involved heavy machinery, including an excavator, cranes and scaffolding.
  • The design and build were commissioned by a German tour company called Schauinsland-Reisen.
  • The ‘castle’ rises to a height of 16.68 m (54.72 ft), and smashes the previous world’s tallest sandcastle in Odisha, India, which measured an impressive 14.84 m (48.8 ft)-tall.

How was the worlds tallest sand-castle created?

Schauinsland-Reisen commissions a total of 19 sand artists from around the world to work on the project.

The team used heavy machinery, including an excavator and crane for its construction. The wooden scaffolding to work on the design as the actual patterns in the sand were all created with hand tools.

It took a total of 25 days to complete and will remain in place until September 29 at the Duisburg-Nord Landscape Park in Germany.

Guinness World Record for tallest sand castle in pictures

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