Government ramps up green power projects with £557m  pledge

Government ramps up green power projects with £557m pledge

Good news; the government has pledged over half a billion pounds for new renewable electricity schemes

The so-called “Clean Growth Strategy” will be used for auctions for subsidy contracts. These guarantee a set price for the power generated by renewable projects.

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The strategy, which has been delayed several times in the last few years, aims address how the UK will get back on track to meet emissions targets for the 2020s (which it is currently set to miss).

Previous announcements to meet carbon targets have included schemes to force 60% of new cars and vans to be electric only by 2030, and financial support for rolling out recharging infrastructure.

Figures show the UK’s green economy is currently worth around £46bn; more than combined worth of the UK’s chemicals, car, pharmaceuticals and aerospace industries. Over 430,000 people are employed in the low carbon sector and its supply chains.

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