Earlier this week we looked at Tidal Lagoon Power’s plans for Swansea’s tidal lagoon. Today, TLP has released more detail of that plan.
While details of the tender itself is now public on the Welsh Government’s sell2wales (the platform which covers all public contracts) TLP has also released a detailed study, titled, “Ours to Own” that focuses on the impact that could be made through the development.

The study covers TLP’s plans for the lagoon and generating long-term growth in the sector.
The report concludes that “if the UK can harness its abundant natural resource and emerging tidal lagoon deployment plan to quickly achieve mass manufacture of ‘Made in Britain’ marine hydro turbine technology, as the Danes did with wind, it will secure a considerable competitive edge over new market entrants from day one. This will underwrite a strong domestic order book and the real prospect of major future technology export markets” (which it values at £30bn).
The report makes interesting reading for anyone interested in the project and fills in some of the detail of how it aims to achieve its ambitious goals.