Born to Engineer – New Resource Section Launched

Born to Engineer – New Resource Section Launched

Today we have launched a brand new resource section for Born to Engineer.

Born to Engineer initially launched in 2016 as a space to share our Born to Engineer series of films.

Our mission has always been to support the next generation of engineers and as the site has grown we have wanted to provide more detailed careers advice to students looking to make the jump from just being interested in Engineering to becoming a working Engineer.

Our new resources are aimed at informing students, parents and teachers about the opportunities available to them and how they can pick a career pathway that works for them.


Alongside our revamped online resources we have launched three eBooks. These can either be read online or downloaded as a PDF.


These books are –

Time and again we have been asked these questions at events or online and have struggled to point people at resources that present all the information in one place. We hope these resources will be helpful for the next generation of Engineers as they look to plan their career path.

Alongside side these we have also looked at

We have more resources in the pipeline and if you have any suggestions or feedback we would love to hear from you.

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