#wind energy

WindRunner – Radia’s Colossal Cargo Plane Wants to Reshape Wind Energy Logistics

4 min read

Aviation startup Radia is developing the WindRunner—the world's largest cargo plane. The plane is designed to transport Radia's massive wind turbine components. This groundbreaking aircraft aims to overcome the logistical barriers that have hindered the deployment of next-generation turbines in optimal onshore locations. The Challenge of Transporting Giant...

Pioneers of Modern Wind Turbines Win 2024 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Decades of Groundbreaking Innovations

3 min read

The 2024 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering (QEPrize) has been awarded to wind energy pioneers Henrik Stiesdal and Andrew Garrad for their decades of groundbreaking innovations in wind turbine technology. The prize honours engineers whose work provides global benefit to humanity. As early innovators, Stiesdal and Garrad...

NSK Joins Forces to Tackle Offshore Wind Wake Effects, Enabling Japan’s Floating Turbine Farms

3 min read

With ambitious climate goals in sight, Japan aims to expand offshore wind energy rapidly. However, floating wind farms come with complex engineering challenges. One critical issue is the wake effect – disruptive turbulent airflows caused by spinning turbine blades. To tackle this, the Japanese government is funding a...