This years David Clark Prize has been awarded to Cath Milne and Rebecca Lofthouse at this years annual ERA Foundation Dinner.
The David Clark prize is awarded to a teacher working in primary schools and another in secondary schools, colleges or UTCs. The award recognises exceptional teachers who have gone the extra mile in inspiring young people to consider engineering as a profession and career.
The prize celebrates how teachers can go beyond what is required in the syllabus and inspire students by showcasing real world engineering in the classroom.
This year the ERA Foundation received an excellent set of applications for the Prize, explaining in a blog post that “the selection process was particularly challenging as the calibre of entries across the board was extremely high and our panel found all to be genuinely inspirational. We want to thank you who took the time to make an application. It is inspiring to see such dedication and hard work and we hope all candidates will continue their excellent work and consider applying again in the future”
Cath Milne brought engineering to life in her classrooms at Avoch Primary School.

Cath is well known at Avoch for the support she has provided to colleagues and her work in delivery of lessons, and organising STEM activities at the school and in the local Associated School Group (ASG) of 7 primary schools.
Rebecca Lofthouse from Skipton Girls’ High School worked incredible hard in engaging and developing students’ aspirations and access to high quality STEM experiences, going beyond the core curriculum.

The awards were presented by David Clark at the ERA Foundation Annual Dinner and Lecture in the Maxwell Library at the IET on 17th May 2022.
Born to Engineer is the outreach programme of the The ERA Foundation