Drones in Construction — How They’re Transforming the Industry

Drones in Construction — How They’re Transforming the Industry

Whether flying around a room or capturing unique aerial footage, advances in drone tech are offering new possibilities and applications — especially in the world of construction.

Over the last decade, drones have become one of the most compelling construction trends.

The construction industry has experienced a 239% growth in drone use year on year. That is higher than any other commercial sector.

Drones aerial perspective and data collecting abilities make them a viable tool, offering benefits that range from on-site safety to remote monitoring. In particular, thethey have revolutionized construction project lifecycles. Drone photos, videos, and imagery can scope out projects, track building progress, and provide real-time updates.

While drones in construction aren’t new, construction companies are adopting them at a faster rate than ever before. Drones now offer direct benefits to the construction lifecycle. Their capabilities allow them to cut costs, time, risk, and labour, all while improving workflow, accuracy, communication, and efficiency. All these lead to more confidence and certainty when working on a construction project.

While the impact of drones in the construction industry is developing, they are already revolutionizing the sector and changing the way construction projects are handled. As long as the technology is able to pass federal aviation and zoning hurdles, it is safe to say that the commercial drone is here to stay.

As the industry grows and construction projects become more complex, drones in construction will continue to skyrocket.

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