Elon Musk confirms multiple Starships being built by SpaceX

Elon Musk confirms multiple Starships being built by SpaceX

It has been revealed that SpaceX is working on two ‘Starships’ at the same time.

Elon Musk confirmed the firm was competing builds of Starship in Boca Chica Texas & Cape Canaveral Florida yesterday on Twitter.

Musk went on to explain that “…insights gained by one team must be shared with the other, but other team not required to use them.”

The competition between the two sites is designed to detmine which location is most effective. Musk also stated that the SpaceX might use both sites in future; explain ghat if the competition is “to see which location is most effective” that the “answer might be both”.

SpaceX has not formally made any comment on the buid process.

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