Could British Wind Power Blow away the competition?

Could British Wind Power Blow away the competition?

RenewableUK has released a new study that highlights the offshore wind industry’s export potential. It shows British companies have already won 115 contracts to provide services for 50 offshore wind projects abroad.

These multi-million-pound contracts include everything from installing turbines, to creating and laying the cables that run power to and from them. Some of the larger contracts RenewableUK looked at are valued at over £30 million.

However, the future might be even more promising. The study was able to identify over 250 offshore wind farms that are currently in development across the world. Supporting these projects represents a massive economic and industrial opportunity for the UK.

RenewableUK’s Chief Executive, Hugh McNeal, explained that the UKs “world-leading offshore wind industry is already delivering significant investment to the UK. We can continue to secure valuable contracts around the world for British companies by staying competitive – driving down costs and continuing to innovate. We’re determined to maximise the economic and industrial benefits of offshore wind for UK plc”.

The study was released to mark the start of Offshore Wind Week. A series of industry events being held across the country to highlight the technology’s vital role to Britain’s economy and future energy mix.

For more information read “Exporting Offshore Wind Offshore – Wind Week

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