
Ocean Cleanup’s Interceptor sets its sights on cleaning 1,000 Rivers in 5 Years

2 min read

A dutch-non-profit organization, The Ocean Cleanup (TOC), has launched a robot that wants to clean the waterways responsible for 80% of the world's river waste within the next five years. The new machine comes off the back of the companies efforts to strengthen its initiative in removing...

Ocean Cleanup hauls its first batch of plastic trash back to shore

2 min read

Has it been smooth sailing? No. But, The Ocean Cleanup has now completed its first successful mission to collect plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch! The team are now back on the shores of Vancouver showing off their 'catch'. The idea is that the rubbish they...

Countdown begins for Ocean Cleanup System 001 launch

2 min read

In 10 days, on September 8th, Ocean Cleanup will launch the world’s first ocean cleanup system from an assembly yard in Alameda, out through the San Francisco Bay, toward the infamous Great Pacific Garbage Patch. We first talked about the crowd-funded ocean cleaning company back in 2016...